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BCRC Riders

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Check out Kathy's Online Classroom for more information on horse and rider education. You can purchase video lessons or download her APP for DIY learning. 

Check out Kathy's Youtube channel for more videos and tips related to horses and riding.


Yes!! Riding Horses with Kathy Slack is now available in the App Store!  We are finally ready! After 4 years of preparation, many hours of videoing, recording and photo shooting, I am ready to share my horseback riding coaching. And, I’m excited for you! I really think my new smart phone application can help many western riders improve their skills.

This app has some very cool features.

ONE: YOU ARE ON YOUR HORSE while you listen to my instruction. Many riders have field tested this method and have found it to be very beneficial. The app works well with the latest technology, like the new headband blue tooth speakers that you can wear with your helmet.  You can even hear it without using ear buds.  I just simply turn it on, put my phone in my pocket and go ride.


TWO: EACH LESSON IS INEXPENSIVE! Just 99 cents buys you a lesson. It is just that easy. Download your lesson, saddle up and go learn!


Riding Horses with Kathy Slack is equivalent to having a personal coach, teaching you to ride, on your horse in your own arena. Each lesson focuses on horseback riding basics to create a solid riding foundation. Like my satisfied students here in Austin, you will have access to tools that will help you communicate better with your horse. You’ll learn to engage your seat to be more one-with your horse and your hands will become softer. My program is based on years of experience helping riders both young and old to achieve their goals.


I believe that becoming a better rider brings out the best performance in your horse. I’m confident that your riding will improve by listening to the instruction that has made me successful in producing top riders in many disciplines. My format allows you to personalize your needs, choosing from our list of varied topics and lesson levels. Each lesson varies in length depending on the topic and combines ongoing audio directives with video or photograph reference to ensure complete understanding of your position, communication, and the correct movement of the horse. We hope you join my growing number of students who have gained more confidence and a better relationship with their horse.


My lessons are available for download in our website store, in iTunes and Google Apps.

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